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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Ooga Booga System : Dreamcast Date Added : 2002-06-18 00:44:51 Views : 27588 Cheat : Master code: Enter IGOTNOSKILLZ as a code at the options menu. Mine spell: Enter KABOOM as a code at the options menu. Fireball spell: Enter STRIKEAMATCH as a code at the options menu. Homing Head spell: Enter DODGETHIS as a code at the options menu. Lightning Bolt spell: Enter KILOWATTS as a code at the options menu. Lightning Cloud spell: Enter STORMYWEATHER as a code at the options menu. Tornado spell: Enter BLOWHARD as a code at the options menu. All Tribal missions: Enter IMINFRANCE as a code at the options menu. Tribal Trial FMV sequence: Enter STRENGTHNO as a code at the options menu. Play as Abe: Enter AHOUSEDIVIDED as a code at the options menu. Play as Death: Enter SALMONMOUSE as a code at the options menu. Play as Discodude: Enter DOTHEHUSTLE as a code at the options menu. Play as Dwarf: Enter HEIGHTCHALLENGED as a code at the options menu. Play as Leprechaun: Enter BLARNEYSTONE as a code at the options menu. Play as Pirate: Enter WAREZWRONG as a code at the options menu. Play as Superguy: Enter SECRETIDENTITY as a code at the options menu. Boars: Enter PORKCHOP as a code at the options menu. Tikis: Enter IDOLATRY as a code at the options menu. Birds: Enter AVIARY as a code at the options menu. Boar rodeo mode: Enter SADDLEUP as a code at the options menu. Boar polo mode: Enter TRICKSHOT as a code at the options menu. Level 2 masks: Enter ICHEAT as a code at the options menu. Level 3 masks: Enter THEREFOREIAM as a code at the options menu. Level 4 masks: Enter SOVERYVERY as a code at the options menu. Level 5 masks: Enter WEAKANDSAD as a code at the options menu. Select victory pose: Press A, B, X, or Y after winning a round (or named as leader of the match at the ranking screen). Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more Ooga Booga cheat codes.
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